Friday, January 4, 2013

bring it on, thirteen.

resolutions have always felt really daunting to me.
they seem to be things that people try to magically change overnight.
big things. like.. life changing things.

i tried to go down the resolution road many times too.
and i kept those resolutions very diligently.. for the first two weeks.
and then i trashed them.

last year i made a list of goals, and completed almost all of them!
it just seemed a lot more realistic and more motivating to have a list to check off,
than to try some huge lifestyle alteration.

so here's a few goals for this year:

1. keep sunflowers alive.

2. travel out of state. hopefully alaska!

3. start working for a new school.

4. buy a bike of my own. (finally)

5. see paul mccartney in concert.

6. make a little 5 song album available for download.

7. practice and hold at least 4 new yoga poses that i haven't been able to do yet.

8. stop being afraid of bees! (spiders can be 2014)

9. finish the last of my (dreaded) math units in school.

10. answer my phone more... yeah, i'm one of those people. the worst.  :/

and i'll leave you with this.
one of my top 10 favorite songs of all time.
and my number one favorite song for this time of year.

new years by kelleoh on Grooveshark

this will be our year, friends!

what are your goals for 2013?


  1. Happy new year and best luck with your resolutions, cab't wait to hear your new songs this year, i made a huge list of resolutions, i love to make huge lists :)

  2. I never wish to come to terms with spiders, just saying.

    1. hahaha! totally understandable. as long as i constantly live with someone who is willing to wake up in the middle of the night and kill one for me... i'd be okay with never coming to terms with them either. but just in case...

  3. Haha...saving spiders for 2014 huh? I LOVE your list especially #4 and #6. :) And if you go to Alaska I will be jealous!

    1. thanks, allison! that's been on my list for a while- hopefully summer 2013 will have alaska store for me! :) happy new year!

  4. Number 6!!!! yeah!!! I'll be instantly downloading and sharing.
    Number 2 is great too, but... why not go outside the States, instead? it's in the way to Alaska, anyway.
    What kind of math in Number 9? Maybe I can help you out.
    I used to have the same problem as in number 10 and I solved it easily... I just stopped having a cellphone, hahahaha now I'm way happier hahahaha.

    ¡Feliz año!

    1. you're awesome, thank you! and yes i would LOVE to go to canada! might as well since it's on the way, too! good point! i'm just finishing up my college algebra but math has always been my absolute worst subject so i've really been dragging my feet on those units. i wish i had enough willpower to give up my cellphone entirely! that certainly would solve my problem! haha :) thanks again, happy new year!

  5. I forgot my goals!

    1. Defend my thesis.
    2. Find a decent job.
    3. Improve my foreign languages (it's on the way...).
    4. Make my orange trees become taller and greener.
    5. Get stronger and healthier.
    6. Cross the Atlantic and visit home again.
    7. Complete the (jedi) training of my dog.
    8. Start uploading stuff to my youtube channel.
    9. Finish the editing and publish my friend's book.
    10. Become the World's Emperor or, alternatively, time traveling to stop George Lucas doing all those prequels...

    PS: I used to be strong in math during my pre-grad school (now I'm just functional), so, in case you need some help, just tell me and we'll see. Math it's just like playing an instrument, I'm pretty sure you can handle it, you only need to find your way.

  6. When I was younger, we had a huge overgrown sunflower garden that I loooved. That, coupled with our other gardens, made our yard look like a jungle. xD

    My goals are to:
    1. Read 30 books
    2. Get a piano student
    3. Walk my dog more

    Not much, but enough for me. :) Happy New Year, Kelle!

    1. those are excellent goals! hope you accomplish them all! and i'm seriously jealous of your old sunflower garden.. i can hardly keep 3 mini ones alive haha :( happy new year!

  7. Please excuse my belated comment(s) :)

    I adore your list of resolutions and goals!
    #5 has been on my list for ages, ahh. Hopefully he'll host a concert around here soon!
    And #8, oh dear. I shriek when I'm near bees.
