Wednesday, September 19, 2012

lemon poppyseed pancakes.

as much as i am eagerly anticipating all things 'pumpkin spice' this fall, i can't bring myself to eat/drink anything pumpkin flavored just yet. it's still been in the 90-100 degree area in southern california! isn't it blasphemy to enjoy pumpkin treats in anything other than cold and preferably gloomy weather? (and isn't it also blasphemy for it to still be this hot towards the end of september?)

regardless, due to the heat, i've been sticking with summer recipes lately. (yes, i have been cooking recently! gotta learn sometime!)  this mostly just means lots of avocado in everything.

but this morning? it meant lemon poppyseed pancakes.

i had seen the recipe on pinterest, but it initially came from here.

wes and i agreed that next time, we will add a little bit more sugar to the batter. and the strawberries were a perfect topping. i never really like a ton of sweets in the morning so i favor fruit over syrup any day!

tonight, i'm making turkey burgers for my family - last time i made them, they were delicious! hopefully i didn't just get lucky with that last batch... we'll see soon enough, i guess!

i feel so domestic, you guys.
pancakes and turkey burgers?
what is happening to me?!



  1. Your blog is looking so good! I love the new design, it's cute! I miss everyone there! Please tell everyone I say hello. :)

    1. thanks, D! if only my updates were as exciting as yours.. haha :) everyone misses you too! i will definitely pass along the message.

  2. Okay so uhhh .... I'll be at your house tomorrow 7am for breakfast? 8 works for me too if that makes it easier. lulz :)

    its so funny that a little while ago the only thing you would attempt to make in the kitchen was like cereal and now look at you !
